Monday, February 19, 2007

it never ends

and it really is true that the chinese new year holiday was going to be dull for me. with nothing to do and all the shops closed for the time being, i'm being quartered within the four walls of my house. somehow i wish that i could go visiting, at least i would not waste my time at home sleeping and listening to music.

all of a sudden it dawned upon me that today is a monday. monday is actually a lovely day, if there's no work and no worries that is. especially at about noon or a little later than that, that's when it is most ideal to laze around in a cafe and chill out with some friends. and maybe you could talk about whats coming up in the week, discuss business models or holiday destinations. lots of things to do on a monday.

but i got nothing.

in my heart i truly wish that you'd see things from my point of view. understand why i sacrificed so much for. and know why i let my heart dangle on that cliff's edge just to open up your eyes. i guess i never told you that i don't want to see you on the other side when that time comes. i never told that God is one and only one. i never told you that i believe in He, and submit to Him, the one and only and no one else.

i've let you speak from your eyes too much. now it is time for you to close your eyes, and close your ears, and shut all your senses. have no thoughts. all you need to do is feel with your heart.

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