Tuesday, April 29, 2008

thanks for the burpees

bah. yesterday's training was the toughest so far.

it began with a total body warmup, 2 minute interval with as many superman burpees as possible. come to think of it, i should have just done 10 per interval. but i wanted to push, so i did about 25 each.

then came bagwork. by then my shoulders were screaming "NO NO STOP" and i could've swore the bag was laughing at me saying "Is that all you got?" 3 sets of the 3 minute drill.

next was the kicks. my favourite, until it came to "OK, we'll do 100 kicks per leg." i thought it was alright, but by the time we finished with the right round houses, something new was given.

now it was doing punches. 2 sets of 3 minute double jabs, 1 set of 3 minute jab plus hook, 1 set of 3 minute double left hook, and finally ended off with a set of 3 minute straight punch plus uppercut combo. at the end of it all, i had trouble trying to scratch my damn nose.

and eventually, training ended with a kick exercise, kicking each other's arm, gently... right kicks, left kicks, switching kicks...

however i decided to stay on and do an additional 10 minutes worth of bagwork, left jab right hook, left jab straight right, left jab right roundhouse. and now, come to think of it, i shouldn't have done that.

i woke up today, barely able to bend my arms at the elbows. yes, pain, thanks to the superman burpees. gosh i can barely lift up anything even now. so please children, take care of ye hands while they still work fine, who knows you may need then to scratch ye nose or the back of ye neck.

thanks for the burpees ah.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

on a lighter note

yes finally it rained today! a good day to laze and daydream but i had to go to NUS for a medical checkup. yes, waste of precious lazing time but oh well...

anyways i got myself new gloves! and wraps too!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

who works for free?

all around the world, people are working round the clock. non-stop business meetings, corporate objectives, data entry, computing, and the list just goes on and on. people want to go to work. they want to, and it's not a joke. why would someone want to spend their life away being a slave to the macintosh or notebook, sipping coffee to keep the sleep fairies away, and at the 5 o'clock mark, start rushing home for dinner?

the answer is money.

honestly speaking would you work without money? let's say work for free? if you say yes, i say screw you boy.

it apparently seems that i have issues with many things these days, but the reality behind this is scary but true. there are 3 groups of people in the working class (instead of the blue collar and the white collars and what people normally interpret).

the lowest band are those who never wants to put in any effort in working (i.e. making money) and are contented with trying to eke out a living, support a family and probably do this till they finally expire (by expire i think you know what it means).

the middle band are made up of most of us, those slaves that sit in front of machines, telling machines what to do and earning an average income. average, i emphasise. probably with the average monthly household income of about 6.8k a month, each head would probably contribute an average of 3.4k. wow 3.4k is alot... probably seemed alot when i was in kindergarten but not anymore.

the sad truth about some of these people are that they are contented with their jobs, because they have a steady (and safe) source of income. like any typical singaporean who are afraid of ventures and risks. job security is prime due to the need to raise their children and maintaining a family. in my honest opinion, some of them really do want a pay increment, but just cant be bothered to look elsewhere for opportunities because they have been sitting down on their lazy assess on the comfort zone couch.

and of course the crust, the creme de la creme, made up of top executives (top, i emphasise), CEOs, directors and the list goes on. these are people who work hard and rise up the ladder because they don't want to get pooped on when they have someone else higher up the ladder. either that or it is just a family business that has been handed down. competitive, determination, dedication, hard work, you name it.

and of course i'm looking at us young adults nowadays, probably teens that are entering adulthood. wasting our lives away on short term materialistic ideals and baloney dreams that are thought off on the couch watching serials. i believe that there cannot be any time sooner than now.