Sunday, February 4, 2007

the beach run

somehow i just wished the beach was a couple of minute's walk from my place... i think i had already wished for that before. well running along the beach at night is certainly much nicer than running around my neighbourhood. you get to see lots of people, smell lots of barbecued charcoal and the food that's being charred, the blaring bass drumbeats from the bars and pubs and not forgetting the gentle breeze that makes you run like the wind. now that i think of it, maybe i should have covered more than 6km today, but i guess i became kinda lazy and well the thirst for green tea dropped on cue. now i'm starting to feel the effect of mr sandman's sparkles.

as usual, i took a bus home and of course had to have my music player on at all times during the journey. taking the bus home isn't such a bad thing despite the fact that the travelling time may feel like ages for some. for me, i'd just look outside the window panels and essentially looked around for beautiful scenarios, people, animals, well basically everything. it'd be better if i had my guitar, at least i can entertain the people on the bus with some songs...

now i was thinking... what if the brain were to be able to be switched off, well at least those parts of the brain that stores memory or that thinks. i'd love that idea. i think my brain needs to keep quiet because the neurons are firing away like a raging thunderstorm. sooner or later i think i might be going crazy. and now my brain cant even tell my eyes to stay open for awhile more. apparently the coffee that i was drinking didn't really work much.

i think i better hit the hay...

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