Thursday, September 20, 2007

randomness of the mind

there's always a strange thing. Nothing is like what it seems. i'm not too sure either. lately it has been even stranger. i began to analyse the world we live in an even greater sense of attention. every intricacy of nature, the way things work and operate, the human psyche and our interaction with the physical world... all these sounds so profound, deep, and well, something that would come out of a 16-year old. true, i must admit to this. but what's more importantly is that i'd love to open my eyes to what the world truly has beneath this gray coat of paint.

some of the thoughts that i may had have: there are 6 billion parallel earths that exist. each individual carves out his/her own image of the world, he/she is in his/her own dimension while others are mere characters. same goes for another person, and another, and another. no matter how we look at it, your world may be different from mine because we don't share the same views and opinions. in the end, we write our own story, where we want to go and what would we want to be.

life is established as priceless. and yet, we take it for granted. we squander what was given to us and make wrong turns most of the time.

that's all for now.

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