Saturday, June 2, 2007

the longest friday

if you haven't heard the latest songs by Maroon 5, the only thing i could say to you is "what are you waiting for?" with tracks like 'if i never see your face again', 'makes me wonder', 'wake up call' and lots more, you are bound to be hooked on their funky new tunes. the band makes use of catchy lyrics, coupled with the right melody to portray a story with every song that is being played. my personal favourite is 'wake up call'. if you were to listen to the keyboards and guitars, you'd hear the dark and mysterious nature of the song, somewhat like a rainy Gotham City crime scene kind of setting. 'it won't be soon before long' is a definite must have for those Maroon 5 fans out there.

sometimes i lay to waste listening to songs. time seems to float past without a trace and i'm left gazing into the ceiling while being phased into another realm. today, some bad things happened to me, well not exactly bad things, but they were more of undesired than bad. okay first up was the heavy downpour that caught me by surprise before i went to the mosque for my prayers. then i thought to myself that i had to brave the rain no matter what, of course, with an umbrella in hand to aid me in my journey.

as i walked to the bus stop, pools of rainwater started to puddle everywhere, and basically i had no choice but to step through it. i was thinking to myself when i stepped into those puddles. i was no longer afraid of getting my feet wet anymore. probably due to the fact that i still have soldier-like qualities in me, or maybe that i just can't be bothered.

and so i got down the bus, and i was about a hundred metres from the mosque when a blue mini whizzed pass me at great speeds. the result, water splashed onto my denim jeans, soaking it from waist down and sending cold chills up my spine. yes up my spine. to my surprise, i wasn't the least mad. and yes it was a huge surprise, seriously, coming from a rage-o-holic like me. then again, must be the calm in me before my prayers.

oh well... now i am at home with nothing to do, and rotting my flesh away. if only there were great shows on the tele, then i won't be so grumpy as of now. grrr...

and with every second that floats by, i'm thinking of her.

when will she call me again?

when will i see her again?

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